Shroud Meteor in Enshrouded

Shroud Meteor

Shroud Meteor

📊 Stats:
– 135 Mana Cost- 5 Flame Power Cost- 3.2s Cast Time

💥 Damage:
205 Damage

🧰 Resources:
– 2x Alchemical Base- 20x Nitrate- 20x Coal Powder- 20x Stone- 20x Sulfur
📙 Description:
Magical ammunition that calls a disastrous Shroud Meteor down on up to five foes. The meteors deal heavy Shroud damage. This spell consumes some of your remaining Time in the Shroud. Spell: Depletes after use. Equip the spell and use mana to cast it with a staff.
📋 Requirements:
– Alchemist- Laboratory