Eternal Acid Bite
![Eternal Acid Bite](
📊 Stats:
– 120 Mana Cost- 3.0s Cast Time
💥 Damage:
165 Damage
🧰 Resources:
– 20x Glass- 10x Charcoal- 30x Sulfur- 20x Ammonia Gland- 20x Poison Sack
– 20x Glass- 10x Charcoal- 30x Sulfur- 20x Ammonia Gland- 20x Poison Sack
📙 Description:
Banned in most mystic circles, this spell serves as an infinite well of acid to envenom foes. it’s bite is most deadly, so use with care. Eternal Spell: Eternal spells to not deplete. Equip the eternal spell and use mana to cast it with a staff.
Banned in most mystic circles, this spell serves as an infinite well of acid to envenom foes. it’s bite is most deadly, so use with care. Eternal Spell: Eternal spells to not deplete. Equip the eternal spell and use mana to cast it with a staff.
📋 Requirements:
– Alchemist- Laboratory
– Alchemist- Laboratory